Ywallet Demo Tutorial

This tutorial explaining how to run the FROST demo using Ywallet that was presented during Zcon4.

Ywallet supports offline signing, which allows having a view-only account that can generate a transaction plan, which can be signed by a offline wallet also running Ywallet. The demo uses this mechanism but signs the transaction plan with a command line tool, using FROST.

This tutorial assumes familiarity with the command line.

Setting up

Install cargo and git.

Install Ywallet.

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/frost-zcash-demo.git

Generating FROST key shares

First we will generate the FROST key shares. For simplicity we'll use trusted dealer, DKG will be described later.

Run the following (it will take a bit to compile):

cd frost-zcash-demo/
cargo run --bin trusted-dealer -- -C redpallas

This will by default generate a 2-of-3 key shares. The public key package will be written to public-key-package.json, while key packages will be written to key-package-1.json through -3. You can change the threhsold, number of shares and file names using the command line; append -- -h to the commend above for the command line help.


If you want to use DKG instead of Trusted Dealer, instead of the command above, run this for each participant, in separate terminals for each:

cargo run --bin dkg -- -C redpallas

and follow the instructions. (There will be a considerable amount of copy&pasting!)

Generating the Full Viewing Key for the wallet

Get the verifying_key value that is listed inside the Public Key Package in public-key-package.json. For example, in the following package

{"verifying_shares": ...snip... ,"verifying_key":"d2bf40ca860fb97e9d6d15d7d25e4f17d2e8ba5dd7069188cbf30b023910a71b","ciphersuite":"FROST(Pallas, BLAKE2b-512)"}

you would need to copy d2bf40ca860fb97e9d6d15d7d25e4f17d2e8ba5dd7069188cbf30b023910a71b.

The run the following command, replacing <ak> with the value you copied.

cd zcash-sign/
cargo run --release -- generate --ak <ak> --danger-dummy-sapling

It will print an Orchard address, and a Unified Full Viewing Key. Copy and paste both somewhere to use them later.

Importing the Full Viewing Key into Ywallet

Open Ywallet and click "New account". Check "Restore an account" and paste the Unified Full Viewing Key created in the previous step. Click "Import".

Funding the wallet

Now you will need to fund this wallet with some ZEC. Use the Orchard address printed by the signer (see warning below). Send ZEC to that address using another account (or try ZecFaucet).


The address being show by Ywallet is a unified address that includes both an Orchard and Sapling address. For the demo to work, you need to receive funds in you Orchard address. Whether that will happen depends on multiple factors so it's probably easier to use just the Orchard-only address printed by the signer. If you send it to the Sapling address, the funds will be unspendable and lost!

Creating the transaction

Now you will create the transaction that you wish to sign with FROST. Click the arrow button and paste the destination address (send it to yourself if you don't know where to send it). Type the amount you want to send and click the arrow button.

The wallet will show the transaction plan. Click the snowflake button. It will show a QR code, but we want that information as a file, so click the floppy disk button and save the file somewhere (e.g. tx.raw as suggested by Ywallet).

Signing the transaction

Go back to the signer terminal and run the following, replacing <tx_plan_path> with the path to the file you saved in the previous step, <ufvk> with the UFVK hex string printed previously, and <tx_signed_path> with the path where you want to write the signed transaction (e.g. tx-signed.raw).

cargo run --release -- sign --tx-plan <tx_plan_path> --ufvk <ufvk> -o <tx_signed_path>

The program will print a SIGHASH and a Randomizer.

Running the server

Now you will need to simulate two participants and a Coordinator to sign the transaction, and the FROST server that handles communications between them. It's probably easier to open four terminals.

In the first one, the server, run (in the same folder where key generation was run):

RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --bin server

Registering users

In order to interact with the server, you will need to register users. For this guide we will need two. In a new terminal, run the following command for user "alice" (replace the password if you want):

curl --data-binary '{"username": "alice", "password": "foobar10", "pubkey": ""}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

It will output "null". (The "pubkey" parameter is not used currently and should be empty.) Also register user "bob":

curl --data-binary '{"username": "bob", "password": "foobar10", "pubkey": ""}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

You only need to do this once, even if you want to sign more than one transaction. If for some reason you want to start over, close the server and delete the db.sqlite file.

Feel free to close this terminal, or reuse it for the next step.


Do not use passwords that you use in practice; use dummy ones instead. (You shouldn't reuse passwords anyway!) For real world usage you would need to take more care to not end up writing the password to your shell history. (In real world usage we'd expect this to be done by applications anyway.)


In the second terminal, the Coordinator, run (in the same folder where key generation was run):

export PW=foobar10
cargo run --bin coordinator -- -C redpallas --http -u alice -w PW -S alice,bob -r -

We will use "alice" as the Coordinator, so change the value next to export PW= if you used another password when registering "alice".

And then:

  • It should read the public key package from public-key-package.json.
  • When prompted for the message to be signed, paste the SIGHASH printed by the signer above (just the hex value, e.g. 4d065453cfa4cfb4f98dbc9cff60c4a3904ed91c523b8ef8d67d28bea7f12ea3).
  • When prompted for the randomizer, paste the randomizer printed by the signer above (again just the hex value)


If you prefer to pass the randomizer as a file by using the --randomizer argument, you will need to convert it to binary format.

Participant 1 (alice)

In the third terminal, Participant 1, run the following:

export PW=foobar10
cargo run --bin participant -- -C redpallas --http --key-package key-package-1.json -u alice -w PW

(We are using "alice" again. There's nothing stopping a Coordinator from being a Partcipant too!)

Participant 2 (bob)

In the fourth terminal, for Participant 2, run the following:

export PW=foobar10
cargo run --bin participant -- -C redpallas --http --key-package key-package-2.json -u bob -w PW


Go back to the Coordinator CLI. The protocol should run and complete succesfully. It will print the final FROST-generated signature. Hurrah! Copy it (just the hex value).

Go back to the signer and paste the signature. It will write the raw signed transaction to the file you specified.

Broadcasting the transaction

Go back to Ywallet and return to its main screen. In the menu, select "Advanced" and "Broadcast". Select the raw signed transaction file you have just generated (tx-signed.raw if you followed the suggestion).

That's it! You just sent a FROST-signed Zcash transaction.