Importing and General Information

Including frost-ristretto255

Add to your Cargo.toml file:

frost-ristretto255 = "2.0.0"

Handling errors

Most crate functions mentioned below return Results with Errors. All errors should be considered fatal and should lead to aborting the key generation or signing procedure.

Serializing structures

FROST is a distributed protocol and thus it requires sending messages between participants. While the ZF FROST library does not handle communication, it can help with serialization in the following ways:

Default byte-oriented serialization

With the serialization feature, which is enabled by default, all structs that need to be communicated will have serialize() and deserialize() methods. The serialization format is described in Serialization Format.


Alternatively, if you would like to user another format such as JSON, you can enable the serde feature (which is not enabled by default). When it is enabled, you can use serde to serialize any structure that needs to be transmitted. The importing would look like:

frost-ristretto255 = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["serde"] }

Note that serde usage is optional. Applications can use different encodings, and to support that, all structures that need to be transmitted have public getters and new() methods allowing the application to encode and decode them as it wishes. (Note that fields like Scalar and Element do have standard byte string encodings; the application can encode those byte strings as it wishes, as well the structure themselves and things like maps and lists.)